July 27, 2024

About Us

Why Productsmera?

Productsmera is an Indian online shopping guide website that helps its visitors to make smart purchasing decisions. The website was founded in 2018 as an effort, turned into a passion. Later, it became a huge responsibility to serve its users the best and the most affordable products either in form of our detailed reviews, how-to guides, tips, and tricks, or latest offers’ news.

Our Founder

Productsmera is the creation of our founder, Mr. KM Sinha, who is an engineer, entrepreneur, digital marketer, and filmmaker. Mr. Sinha has also worked as a trainer at one of the renowned digital marketing training institutes.

How does Productsmera help online buyers?

As the Indian internet userbase has increased rapidly in the past few years, online shopping has become a part of daily life.

There was a time when we used to visit the nearest shop to purchase things and the shopkeeper would only show the products available at his store. There were limited options to choose from.  But now, the options are infinite, and choosing the best products among them is a very difficult task for many.

But not anymore! Productsmera is the one-stop solution for every product category. The team of expert shoppers curates the best and the most affordable products from the sea of available options. Be it household items, smartphones & gadgets, books, furniture, photography, painting, or any other necessary item, you will find detailed shopping advice at Productsmera’s blogs.

At Productsmera, we serve the latest news, reviews, and buying guides on the latest and the best products available on Amazon India. Our motive is to help our users in making better decisions while saving a lot using discount offers and coupons.

Also, the users can avoid purchasing low-quality and bad products using our tips and tricks to select the best products for their needs.